I am not good in CSS at all… Kindly help me… Look at this panel in the picture below, I would like to know how achieve something like this orange color in it… I want have in a background image instead with a user’s name… From start of panel to somewhere I can load links from as seen… Same thing with the uber app… That black div… Kindly help, thanks
Hi, sry, but i didn’t understand what you need.
You have the black panel and need the orange? or instead of the black and oragne colors you want a bg img?
@pvtallulah, thanks alot. I just wanna achive the same kind of panel. I want to know how to achieve the colored divs of the panel from the status bar. I have a logo, I want to fill a color of my choice behind it so that my links begin just below it…
Like below, I have marked the divs I want to mimic.