[SOLVED] Page events on Tabbed Views template

Hello, I’m new with f7 and I used the Tabbed Views template to start my app

I’m tryin to make a JSON request when on the second tab on page Init but It fires in app load on home tab view…

How to achieve this ?


Because page in hidden tab got initialised on app load. You need to to JSON request then when required View becomes visible, e.g.

$('#view-catalog').on('tab:show', function () {
  // do request here

Thanks for the reply, but I don’t really understand how to fetch my data and use it in the tab view ?
In my code I have :

var app = [...]
on: {
    pageBeforeIn: function (page){
      .then(function (data) {
        app.data.events = data;

Then in my component :

return {
    data: function () {
      var events = app.data.events

      return {
        events: this.$root.events

I got “undefined” but in the console.log I can see it…

From what i see you code will not work anyway, as you fetch data in main app data, and you reference it in pageBeforeIn callback, if this is a one of the initial pages, i guess XHR request is not completed when page loaded. Just put the data fetch in same page component, e.g. in same pageBeforeIn or pageIni event:

return {
    data: function () {
      return {
        events: null,
    on: {
      pageInit() {
        var self = this;
          .then(function (data) {
            self.$setState({ events: data })
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Oh ok, I got it now my bad ! Thanks a lot !