[SOLVED] Pass data to ajax request route

Hey there,
how can I pass some data to an async route?

    	path: '/pageloader/',
    	async: function (to, from, resolve, reject) {
    	    	dataToSend= {};
    	    	app.request( {
    		    	url: 'php/test.php',
    		    	dataType: 'json',
    		    	method: "POST",
    		    	crossDomain: true,
    		    	statusCode: {
    		    		404: function(xhr) {
    		    			console.log('page not found');
    		    	complete: function() {
    		    	success: function(data) {
    			    		template:'<div class="page">{{users}}</div>'
    				    	context: {
    		    	error: function() {

i have the same question
path: '/path/', componentUrl: route_root+'/pages/library.html', async(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) { app.request.json('/ldvx-profile/api-json.php', { controler: 'someController', action: 'someAction', userId: userId, limit: 200 }, function (data) { console.log(data.return); resolve( { template: route_root+'/pages/library.html' }, { context:{ products: data.return}} ); }); }
the data is collected, but the view doesn’t refresh…

You already passing it in context option in resolve call

path: '/games/',
async(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
    app.request.json('/my/path/api-json.php', { controler: 'someController', action: 'myaction', userId: userId },  function (data) {
      resolve({ componentUrl: route_root+'/pages/library.html' }, { context:{ products: data.return}});


and in my html file :

return {
data: function () {
  return {
    products: this.products,

worked for me.

I’m wondering how to get a preloader component working with this async request.

This is not necessary:

After you pass it as a context, it is already there.

async(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
    app.request.json('/my/path/api-json.php', { controler: 'someController', action: 'myaction', userId: userId },  function (data) {
      resolve({ componentUrl: route_root+'/pages/library.html' }, { context:{ products: data.return}});
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