[SOLVED] Routable Tabs can be used keepAlive?

can i user keepAlive as that:

path: ‘/newsList/’,
component: NewsList,
tabs: [{
path: ‘/’,
id: ‘tab1’,
component: NewsTab,
keepAlive: true,
}, {
path: ‘/tab2/’,
id: ‘tab2’,
component: NewsTab,
keepAlive: true,
}, {
path: ‘/tab3/’,
id: ‘tab3’,
component: NewsTab,
keepAlive: true,

No, it is supported only for pages http://framework7.io/docs/routes.html#keep-alive

You can also set unloadTabContent: false parameter on View to keep it alive while switching between tabs

when i user it as that,‘unloadTabContent: false’ not work, Is there something wrong with the Settings?

path: ‘/meetingList/’,
component: MeetingList,
unloadTabContent: false,
tabs: [{
path: ‘/’,
id: ‘tab1’,
component: MeetingTab
}, {
path: ‘/tab2/’,
id: ‘tab2’,
component: MeetingTab
}, {
path: ‘/tab3/’,
id: ‘tab3’,
component: MeetingTab

This parameter must be set on View where you initialize it

thank you very much! it resolved

Can you tell me how to solve it?

you can used unloadTabContent when created as that

created() {
this.$f7.views.current.params.unloadTabContent = false;

nice !

The problem has been solved
