[SOLVED] Swiper not working with Handlers

I’m getting information from my serverside php, but Swiper not working when getting this, only direct with images inside index.html but inside template7 not working.

<script id="templatef" type="text/template7">
   <div class="swiper-container swiper-init demo-swiper">
   <div class="swiper-pagination"></div><div class="swiper-wrapper">
     {{#each this.list}}
      <div class="swiper-slide"><img src="{{imagem}}" width="100%" class=""></div>

This is my HTML.

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If you add this code after page init, then you need to init it manually using app.swiper.create http://framework7.io/docs/swiper.html#swiper-app-methods

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I using app.swiper.create in app.js

Need to start it on index.html?

You need to call it after you compiled template and added to DOM

Got it, thanks bro!!!

please share how did you manage to solve it

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I have the same problem, can’t get swiper to work in template …

I’m calling json data of slides with page mounted but after the slides filled they won’t move and look according to preferences (slidesPerView: 3) Strange thing is that the swiper intialized after I return back from another page. I want it to initialize normally at first time.

  			    <div class="swiper-container dswiper" >
    						<div class="swiper-wrapper apps" data-srv="{{items.srv}}" data-catsid="{{items.catsid}}">
    	{{#each slides}}
    							<div class=" swiper-slide">
    								<a data-app="{{gn}}" id="{{gid}}" class="app">
    									<div class="card category">
    										<img class="card-image " src="{{c}}" alt="{{title}}">
    											<div class="ctitle ct">{{title}}</div>
    											<div class="card-bottom cb ">
    												<div class="card-comments"></div>
    												<div class="card-comments">
    													<i class="icon color-blue ion ion-ios-{{t4}}"></i>
    													<span class="c">{{t6}}</span>

    								<div class=" swiper-slide vm">
    									<a data-href="/discover/{{items.cid2}}/" style="height: 100%">
    										<div class="card category">
    											<div class="ctitle">View more..</div>

     return {
    data: function () {	
    if (this.$route.path === "/ringtones/")
    	{return {items:{"srv": "ringtones","t6": "3","catsid": "Ringtones","cid": "Ringtone","cid2": "ringtone","t1": "5","t3": ""+vcolor+""}}
    } else
    	{return {items:{"srv":"wallpapers","t6": "3","catsid": "Wallpapers","cid": "Wallpaper","cid2": "wallpaper","t1": "6","t3": ""+vcolor+""}}
    	on: {
    pageMounted() {var self = this;


     	app.request.json(pkj +'discover/?cat='+ this.$route.path , function (data) {
     		slides: data.app.slides


    ).catch((error) => {console.log('Cache')})


It worked as Vladimir suggested.
added this code below to app.js , removed swiper-init from template html

function sliders() {
var dSwiper = app.swiper.create('.dswiper', {
    spaceBetween: 10,
	slidesPerView: 3,
	  observer: true

app.on('pageInit', function(page) {sliders();})