[SOLVED] [v2] Where is the best place to attach analytics hooks?

I’m using Google Analytics and I’m wondering where the best place is to add analytics hooks to track navigation events. I’m thinking of adding a listener to router.on('routeChange', function(){ ...send event... }), but I don’t want to get a bunch or erroneous events or impact performance. Also, I’d like to attach the event at the app router level, but I remember from a previous forum entry that the app level router isn’t fully functional. Any thoughts on best approach?

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I would suggest to use global pageInit event for that:

new Framework7({
  pageInit(page) {
    // check page object and push GA event here
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Thanks…I needed a bit more detail so I added the following to my Analytics.js. Seems to be working well. Let me know if you see any issues with this approach.


if (app) { //F7

   app.on('pageAfterIn', function(page){
        if (page.direction == 'forward') {
             ga('send', {
                'hitType': 'event',
                'eventCategory': 'Navigation',
                'eventAction': 'Open Page',
                'eventLabel': page.name,
                'page': window.location.pathname

    app.on('tabShow', function(tab){
        ga('send', {
            'hitType': 'event',
            'eventCategory': 'Navigation',
            'eventAction': $(tab).hasClass('view') ? 'Open View Tab' : 'Open Tab',
            'eventLabel': $(tab).attr('id'),
            'page': window.location.pathname

    app.on('modalOpen', function(modal){          
         ga('send', {
            'hitType': 'event',
            'eventCategory': 'Navigation',
            'eventAction': 'Open Modal',
            'eventLabel': $(modal.$el[0]).attr('id') ? $(modal.$el[0]).attr('id') : modal.type,
            'page': window.location.pathname

//Send the pageview
ga('send', 'pageview');


Hi Byron,
I’m trying to setting Google Analytics on my App but with no luck (F7v2, PhoneGap Build cli-8.0.0).
Are you using the plugin “cordova-plugin-google-analytics” and some specific configuration for the whitelist settings on config.xml?


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Hey Mike, I’m not using PhoneGap…I’m using a custom native iOS app that loads my F7 app in a UIWebView with a few hooks for device access when I need it (location, photos, notifications etc.). So, my F7 app just loads traditional Javascript Google Analytics and sends pageviews/events via Javascript as well.

Full implementation here:

$( document ).ready(function() {

    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('require', 'displayfeatures');


$('#id .class').on('click', function() {
    ga('send', {
        'hitType': 'event',
        'eventCategory': '',
        'eventAction': '',
        'eventLabel': $(this).attr('data-linktarget'),
        'page': window.location.pathname


$('body').on('customEvent', function(){





if (app) { //app = F7 app

    app.on('pageAfterIn', function(page){
        if (page.direction == 'forward') {
             ga('send', {
                'hitType': 'event',
                'eventCategory': 'Mobile App',
                'eventAction': 'Open Page',
                'eventLabel': page.name,
                'page': window.location.pathname

    app.on('tabShow', function(tab){
        ga('send', {
            'hitType': 'event',
            'eventCategory': 'Mobile App',
            'eventAction': $(tab).hasClass('view') ? 'Open View Tab' : 'Open Tab',
            'eventLabel': $(tab).attr('id'),
            'page': window.location.pathname

    app.on('modalOpen', function(modal){          
         ga('send', {
            'hitType': 'event',
            'eventCategory': 'Mobile App',
            'eventAction': 'Open Modal',
            'eventLabel': $(modal.$el[0]).attr('id') ? $(modal.$el[0]).attr('id') : modal.type,
            'page': window.location.pathname

//Send the pageview
ga('send', 'pageview');

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Thanks Byron but unfortunately your code not works on PhoneGap and with this plugin:
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-google-analytics" source="npm" spec="~1.8.3" />

This the script that I’ve used (insert before of the </ head>):

new Framework7({
  pageInit(page) {
    // check page object and push GA event here
   window.ga.startTrackerWithId('UA-XXXXXX-XX', 30); 
   window.ga.trackView('index.html', 'Home');

I hope that Vladimir (nolimits4web) can give me some useful information.