[SOLVED] Virtual List takes approx. 1 Minute to be created

Hi everyone,
i am creating an Android app with more than 700 entries inside a WebSQL.
These entries are created on the INIT of the app and checking the Chrome Developer Console,
i can see that these entries are inside my app within a second or two.

From the side panel of my app, users can go to a sub-page where all the 753 entries are shown
as a Fraework7 Virtual List.
The problem is: the creation of this list takes everytime between 40 seconds and a minute.
Once they are there, i can click on each entry and everything works as it should be.
I am just wondering why the creation takes this long.

This is my code (insid the router of the page in an “on” event:
pageInit: function (e, page) {

      var virtualList = app.virtualList.create({
        el: '.virtual-list-charts',
        items: [],
        searchAll: function (query, virItems) {
          var found = [];
          for (var k = 0; k < virItems.length; k++) {
            if (virItems[k].virTIT.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) >= 0 || query.trim() === '') found.push(k);
          return found;
        height: 73,
          '<li class="historyRow">' +
            '<a href="#" class="item-link item-content no-chevron listItem" data-chartid="{{virID}}" data-popup=".popupChart">' +
              '<div class="item-inner">' +
                '<div class="item-title-row">' +
                  '<div class="item-title"><div class="item-header">{{virCAT}} {{virTYP}}dd</div>{{virTIT}}</div>' +
                '</div>' +
              '</div>' +
            '</a>' +

      db.transaction(function (tx) {
        tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM charts", [], function(tx, results) {

          for(var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
            virtualList.appendItem({virID: results.rows.item(i).id, virTIT: results.rows.item(i).tit, virTYP: results.rows.item(i).typ, virCAT: results.rows.item(i).cat});



Have you tried putting console.log messages in the callbacks, to determine if maybe the transaction or the query itself takes very long time for some reason?

For example:

console.log('Opening transaction');
db.transaction(function (tx) {
    console.log(Transaction ok');
    tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM charts", [], function(tx, results) {
        console.log('Query done');

Ok, this is strange!
All three logs appear within one second but the list is not created. It took approx. 40 seconds until all items popped up.

And how about the delay when just pushing like 15 or 50 items? Does it still take 40 seconds to create the list?

for(var i = 0; i < results.rows.length && i < 15; i++) {

Super fast!
I just added your line to load only the first 15 and they appear within a second. So does this mean, that i can not add those many to the virtual list?

Well, that’s where virtual lists are ment for :slight_smile: I don’t know if the itemTemplate is recompiled for each record. You could try to create a Template7 compiled function and passing that into itemTemplate, instead of the html.

Put like this above 'var virtualList = …"

var liTemplate = Template7.compile(' put your li html here ')

And then:

height: 73,
itemTemplate: liTemplate,

Your solution had the same result. So what i did now, was to create just one list-item outside of the transaction loop and voila: that ONE tiem appears imediately. So it looks like something is wrong with the loop. This is what i did now:

          db.transaction(function (tx) {
        tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM charts", [], function(tx, results) {
          hoho = [];
          for(var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
            //virtualList.appendItem({virID: results.rows.item(i).id, virTIT: results.rows.item(i).tit, virTYP: results.rows.item(i).typ, virCAT: results.rows.item(i).cat});
          virtualList.appendItem({virID: '3', virTIT: 'hey there!', virTYP: 'line', virCAT: 'cinema'});


So it looks like as Tim said, that the re-rendering affects the virtual-list. What i did now was this:

  1. Created a new array called hoho - yeah, i know - sorry :wink:
  2. Then i push the results of my executeSQL into that array
  3. after the hoho array is filled with the info i add this to the list via the appendItems method

Thanks a lot Tim for your support and time!

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Yes, no need to use appendItem to append single item to vl, as every operation triggers recalculation of VL. So right, just collect all items and insert them all at once