Some tips for develop and debug

I love that framework.
I have some questions that should be useful for people who start with it.

  1. I guess we all use an User singleton to store the connected user data. How do I inspect it from a page ? Where should I instantiate it ?
    What are the scopes to inspect ?
    $root ? self ? this ? $root ?

  2. how to work on a page ? When I make some changes, the live reload goes back to main page. Is there a way to freeze the page ?

  3. where to store images ? It looks like the webpack http server needs extra configuration to serve /pages/extraPages or images: I was unable to load /pages/page1 through ajax (I can only load it as component)

I think the started kit you propose when installing through CLI would be better if there is an User singleton shared between page and/or some page navigation through ajax.

Great JOB !

If you use concept of the Main App component ( then i assume you should store globals on main app component data. Then in this main component, data can be accessed in this properties. In other components it will be available via this.$root

You can temporary enable pushState: true parameter on main View, so it will try to restore current page based on browser URL, on reload

If you use webpack, i assume you store it in src/assets folder. But in webpack you need to import theme first to get the correct URL:

  <div class="page">
    <img src="{{logoSrc}}">
  // Relative path to image file from current file
  import logoSrc from '../assets/logo.png';

  export default {
    data() {
      return {

Great support.
Everything is clear. Thanks !