Strange router behavior, mostly likely a misconfiguration

Hey there,

I would like to ask for help upon a strange behavior on my router configuration. I am pretty sure this is a misconfiguration by me. Maybe you guys can help me out what I might be missing?

This is my configuration:


    var $$ = Dom7;
    var app = new Framework7({
     root: '#app', 
     id: some_id, 
     name: 'some name', 
     theme: 'aurora',
     // App root data
     data: function () {
         return {};
    methods: {
    routes: routes,

app.views.create('.view-main', {
    url: '/'


var routes = [
        path: '/',
        name: 'home',
        options: {
            animate: true,
            transition: 'f7-circle',
        componentUrl: './pages/home.html',
        path: '/news/',
        name: 'news',
        options: {
            animate: true,
            transition: 'f7-dive',
        componentUrl: './pages/news.html',
        path: '/videos/',
        name: 'videos',
        options: {
            animate: true,
            transition: 'f7-dive',
        componentUrl: './pages/videos.html',
    // Default route (404 page). MUST BE THE LAST
        path: '(.*)',
        url: './pages/404.html',

This is the misconfiguration / error:

When the APP is started the first time at path “/” (home) navigating to

./pages/videos.html or 

once works fine. All content for news or videos is showing up.

But switching from page

./pages/news.html to ./pages/videos.html or vice versa from

./pages/videos.html to ./pages/news.html 

does not work.

Clicking on home again after that and clicking back to videos or news once DOES WORK again.

So clicking back to home fixes the functionality for ./pages/videos.html and ./pages/news.html.

Do I have to add ./pages/news.html and ./pages/videos.html to the views configuration aswell?

I do not understand why clicking back to home and after that to videos or news does fix the output.

Do you have got an idea what might be wrong?


Nevermind guys, this was just a silly bug.

I accidentally used non unique IDs inside of 2 HTML-templates.

All working as expected now.

Keep up the great work.