Svelte: Component "Link" property "routeProps"

Unfortunately, I don’t understand how I have to implement the “routeProps” property of the “Link” component.

How can I get to the routeProps in a “page”?

The routeProps do not have the following variables:
export let f7Router;
export let f7route;

Many thanks,

In such cases, taking care of the compounds themselves makes your job easier.

As far as I understand from this component, it comes to the page with the data on the route. But I tested it, I can’t access the data. @nolimits4web

<Link href="/somepage/" routeProps={{ foo: 'bar' }} ...

In page component for “/somepage/” path:

  export let foo;

  console.log(foo) // -> 'bar'

Thanks for the answer. It’s my fault. I tried again and it works

It really works that simple. Thank you both.