Svelte lazyload mothod pagecontent refrance not work

I want to pass PageContent component ref inside f7.lazy.create method but its not work?
Any way exists which can through we can direct pass/use PageContent reference ?

For example:

<Page pageContent={false}>
    <PageContent bind:this={pageContent}>
       <img data-src='<src>' class='lazy' />
       <img data-src='<src>' class='lazy' />
       <img data-src='<src>' class='lazy' />
       <img data-src='<src>' class='lazy' />
       <img data-src='<src>' class='lazy' />
       <img data-src='<src>' class='lazy' />

I want to use pageContent ref to use lazy initialisation, is there any why to get pageContent DOM reference or way to init lazy?

<PageContent bind:this={pageContent} class="some-page-content">
const pageContentEl = document.querySelector('.some-page-content');

Thanks for reply,

I know this method, if we pass class inside create method it will work, but inside svelte we have now PageContent reference in pageContent variable.

So can we use direct this pageContent variable inside create method of lazy?

Or using pageContent reference, can we get page content DOM reference?
so we can pass that reference directly to LazyLoad create method?


<PageContent bind:this={pageContent}>

let p=pageContent;//any method to get pageContent DOM element?