Svelte tab not changing on link press

Hi, I am new to Framework7 and I am using Framework7 Svelte.
I want to add a tab bar with 2 bars but when I click on the second tab, it doesn’t highlight the second link and it doesn’t change the content. Anyone knows what I am doing wrong here?
This is my code :

    <Toolbar tabbar labels>
        <Link tabLink="#sign-up-tab" href={false} tabLinkActive text="Sign up"/>
        <Link tabLink="#sign-in-tab" href={false} text="Sign in"/>
        <Tab id="sign-up-tab" tabActive>
                <h4 class="text-color-body">Créer un compte pour une expérience plus complète</h4>
        <Tab id="sign-in-tab">
                <h4 class="text-color-body">Connectez-vous avec vos identifiants</h4>

Do you have a more complete example? Better live example?

Yes, here is a live example:

Thanks for having a look :grinning:

Because you use core version of Framework7 (without Tabs module), you can import core bundle too Svelte Framework7 tabs (forked) - CodeSandbox

Ah thanks, I am happy that was as simple as that!
I must have missed that in the documentation…