Swipeout not work in vue

in official vue demo “Framework7-Vue-Webpack-Template”, I add swipeout test code in home.vue as follow:

  <f7-page @page:init="onPageInit">
        <f7-link icon-if-ios="f7:menu" icon-if-md="material:menu" panel-open="left">返回</f7-link>
      <f7-nav-title>My App</f7-nav-title>
        <f7-link icon-if-ios="f7:menu" icon-if-md="material:menu" panel-open="right">提交</f7-link>
      <f7-link>Left Link</f7-link>
      <f7-link>Right Link</f7-link>
    <f7-block strong></f7-block>

          title="Swipe left on me please"
          <f7-swipeout-actions right>
            <f7-swipeout-button @click="more">More</f7-swipeout-button>
            <f7-swipeout-button delete>Delete</f7-swipeout-button>

      <f7-list-item link="/about/" title="About"></f7-list-item>
      <f7-list-item link="/form/" title="Form"></f7-list-item>
    <f7-block strong>
        <f7-col width="50">
          <f7-button fill raised popup-open="#popup">Popup</f7-button>
        <f7-col width="50">
          <f7-button fill raised login-screen-open="#login-screen">Login Screen</f7-button>
    <f7-block strong>
        <f7-col width="50">
          <f7-button fill raised panel-open="left">Left Panel</f7-button>
        <f7-col width="50">
          <f7-button fill raised panel-open="right">Right Panel</f7-button>
      <f7-list-item link="/dynamic-route/blog/45/post/125/?foo=bar#about" title="Dynamic Route"></f7-list-item>
      <f7-list-item link="/load-something-that-doesnt-exist/" title="Default Route (404)"></f7-list-item>
export default {
  methods: {
    more() {
      const self = this;
    onPageInit() {
      const self = this;
      const app = self.$f7;
      self.actions = app.actions.create({
        buttons: [
              text: 'Here comes some optional description or warning for actions below',
              label: true,
              text: 'Action 1',
              text: 'Action 2',
              text: 'Cancel',
              bold: true,

The swipeout component does not work. My test step as follow:

  1. run “npm run dev”
  2. open url in chrome
  3. press f12 to call debug mode.
  4. press button named "toggle device toolbar " to call phone debug mode
  5. then swipe left on swipeout component. The component do not work.

After I had refreshed the url, It could work, but I don`t know why.

Not the issue, you should load app in device mode and not enable it during load

Hi Vladimir, thank you for your reply. I have other question. According you answer, the swipeout component worked well in my project. but in this situation, I found there are a lot of HTTP request, and the back link of navigation was not work. Could you know what happened?
My project code as follow :

  <f7-page @pageReinit="getDataItems">
    <f7-navbar title="待办流程" back-link="Back"></f7-navbar>
    <f7-list media-list>
        v-for="item in items"
        <f7-swipeout-actions right>
          <f7-swipeout-button close @click=" $refs.actionsOneGroup.open()">More</f7-swipeout-button>

    <f7-actions ref="actionsOneGroup" right>
        <f7-actions-button  @click="checkDetail">查看</f7-actions-button>
        <f7-actions-button  @click="admitApplication">审批</f7-actions-button>
        <f7-actions-button color="red">Cancel</f7-actions-button>

import Framework7 from 'framework7/framework7.esm.bundle.js'
var app = new Framework7();
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      items: [],
  created () {
      headers: {
        'AccessToken': sessionStorage.getItem('accessToken'),
        'JSESSIONID': sessionStorage.getItem('userToken')
  watch: {
    items: {

  methods: {
    getDataItems: function(){
      let that = this;
      app.request.json('', {'page': 1, 'limit': 10, 'jsonStr': ''}, function (result) {
        if (result.totalCount >0) {
          that.items = result.data;
    saveCurItem:function (item) {
      this.curItem = item;
    checkDetail:function () {
      let item = this.curItem;
      this.$f7router.navigate('/oa/' + item.businessKey.split(':')[0] + '/' + item.entityId)
    admitApplication: function () {
      let item = this.curItem;
      this.$f7router.navigate('/oa/admitL1/' + item.entityId + "/" + item.id)
    showAlert: function (title, text) {
      app.dialog.alert(text, title, () => {
