Switch off default page-transition in routes.js

Is there a way to switch off page-transitions in routes.js?

If I put in ‘transition: “none”’, the transition is gone, but also I loose ‘router.back’

    path: "/blog/:postName",
    component: PostPage,
    animate: false,
    options: {
        transition: "none"  //"f7-cover-v"

Any hint?

animate belong to “view”
not to “route”

var app = new Framework7({
  view: {
    animate: false


var view = app.views.create('.view',{
  animate: false

You can pass it in options:

    path: "/blog/:postName",
    component: PostPage,
    options: {
        animate: false,

But it works only when you navigate to this page, not when you go back from it

thanks @nolimits4web… In fact, I had it in the routes, but not in options :roll_eyes:

But there’s no way to avoid the animation when going back?

-> If not: I’d like to add this as a feature request.

thx andy

It is possible by setting :animate="false" (in Vue) or data-animate="false" on back link