Template 7 #each dynamic

It would be possible to do something like this:

{{#each categorias}}

{{this.title}} - {{this.key}}
{{#each @root.posts[{{this.key}}]}}
//some html template


{{#each @root.posts[‘receita’]}} it works, but I need to get the keys dynamically

below the data object
“title”:“Flã de chocolate e café light”,
“title”:“Flã de chocolate e café light”,
“title”:“Pratos salgados para festas, com Helô Bacellar”,
“title”:“Pratos salgados para festas, com Helô Bacellar”,

No, this won’t work. You need to reformat the data object before passing it to Template7, or use es template instead if it is Router Component http://framework7.io/docs/router-component.html#es-template-literals