Template7 Errors, Is It Missing From This Version?

Hi, I’m trying to use Template7.

I can’t find any references to it in the code through “find in all files” which leads me to believe that it is not a part of this Framework7 version?

Anyway, I’ve downloaded and imported it using:
import Template7 from './template7.min.js';
in my app.js, and I can’t use it anywhere. (This is with having the file downloaded and in the correct location).

I’m trying to use it like:
var temp = $(’.page’).html();
var compiledTemp = Template7.compile(temp);

I’m getting the following errors:
app.js:1043 Uncaught ReferenceError: Template7 is not defined
Cannot find module 'template7'

Looks like in my console I’ve been getting this error also for when trying to use the local file:
export 'default' (imported as 'Template7') was not found in './template7.min.js' (module has no exports)

I’ve even tried downloading it and importing it from the file incase it wasn’t for some reason included in this version of Framework7.

Any ideas on why it wouldn’t be working?

npm i template7
import Template7 from 'template7';

// use it now in file
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