Transition Issue while navigating back

I have problem for the transition effect. It happen on every page when i am trying to navigate it back to the previous page. The previous page isn’t ready yet to be rendered until transition phase is ended.

Please look at the video here

Also, here’s my routes source:


var routes = [
path: “/”, url: “./pages/register.html”
path: “/main”, url: “./pages/main.html”
{path: “/profile”, url: “./pages/profile.html”, options: {
transition: ‘f7-parallax’
{path: “/check-in”, url: “./pages/check-in.html”, options: {
transition: ‘f7-push’
{path: “/map”, url: “./pages/map.html”, options: {
transition: ‘f7-parallax’
{path: “/history”, url: “./pages/history.html”, options: {
transition: ‘f7-parallax’
{path: “/history_detail/:history_id/”, url: “./pages/history_detail.html”,
options: {
transition: ‘f7-push’
name: ‘history_detail’
{path: “/manage”, url: “./pages/manage.html”, options: {
transition: ‘f7-parallax’

App source:


var app = new Framework7({
root: “#app”, name: “Security Guard Checkpoint”,
id: “com.tyfountex.sgc”, panel: {
swipe: “left”
}, routes: routes
var $$ = Dom7;

app.views.create(’#view-main’, {
url: “/”,
main: true

document.addEventListener(‘deviceready’, onDeviceReady, false);

async function onDeviceReady() {
console.log(“I am ready!”);

$$(document).on("backbutton", function(ev) {
    if (app.dialog.get() != null) return;
    if ($$('#back').length > 0) {
    } else;

$$(document).on(“click”, “#back”, function() {

Do you have the same problem in the Kitchen?

Do you have the same problem in the Kitchen?

No i didn’t

Well, i’ve solve it by removing display style from .framework7-root .page-previous class.
I don’t know why framework7 itself added an internal style to hide the page.


So, i want to know, how to remove / prevent those style automatically from the html page?

There is no such CSS rule in F7

.framework7-root .page-previous { display: none }

It was added in your CSS or scripts

Ahh, my bad.
Look like there is issue on google map plugin i use :sweat_smile:.