Unable to use addEventListner

Please assist me on how to solve this problem. I am using core framework7 latest version and use componentUrl for files. Inside this file I have @click button called btnNotify and inside the call method I am calling document.addEventListner to get a plugin to be used inside this functionality but the click does not respond to the click event and no error is log as well.
Please assist me.
This is my code in the method section of the script:

btnNotify: function () {
			var baseUrl = 'localhost//';
			var memId = 1;
			document.addEventListener('deviceready', function(memId, baseUrl){
				// Show preloader before Ajax request
				//make ajax call for authentication	
				app.request.post(baseUrl + 'allowNotification', { memId:memId }, function (data) {				
					// Hide preloader when Ajax request completed with error response
					var response = JSON.parse(data);
					if(response.success == true){	
						  "string_name": "John Doe",
						  "int_id": memId
						//show success message using toast
							text: response.message,
						//show error message using toast
							text: response.message,

Just use it without deviceready event listener, no sense to use it here

Thanks for your quick response.
I tried your point but it complains about myPush.putProperties as undefined which is my plugin module.

Then there is no such global MyPush object globally registered