Uncaught TypeError: self.$setState is not a function at Object.success

hi all
I want to display the user data in template which was fetched from a database but I am having this problem
( VM449:14 Uncaught TypeError: self.$setState is not a function
at Object.success (:14:17)
at r (framework7.js:3595)
at XMLHttpRequest.Request.f.onload (framework7.js:3774) )

and I can not find the solution

this is my template :

{{#if v_data}}
  • empno: {{v_data.empno}}
  • ename: {{v_data.ename}}
  • job: {{v_data.job}}

When I delete ( self.$setState({
v_data: v_data ,
it it works but the template appears empty like the attached image
can anyone help me and thanks …


Did you notice that it is available from 3.1.0? http://framework7.io/docs/router-component.html#virtual-dom. If you on higher version then we need to see the whole code

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I note that it is available from 3.1.0
but i think i have a higher version
I have attached the template code but it did not appear fully at the top. I do not know the reason

this is my template :

<div class="page" data-name="form">
  <div class="navbar">
      <div class="navbar-inner">
          <div class="left">
        <a href="/index/"  class="link back">
          <i class="icon icon-back"></i>
          <span class="ios-only">Back</span>
        <div class="title">Profile</div>
    <div class="page-content">
      {{#if v_data}}
      <!-- Show user list when it is loaded -->
      <div class="list simple-list">
          <li>empno: {{v_data.empno}}</li>
          <li>ename: {{v_data.ename}}</li>
          <li>Age: {{v_data.job}}</li>
      <!-- Otherwise show preloader -->
      <div class="block block-strong text-align-center">
        <div class="preloader"></div>
  return {
    data: function () {
      return {
        // empty initial user data
        v_data: null,
    on: {

      pageInit: function () {
        var self = this;
        var app = self.$app;
          app.request.get('https://hmosvr.hmmosoft.com/apex/institutions_001/hr/employees/7698', function (v_data)  {
            v_data: v_data ,
  v_data = JSON.parse(v_data);
 console.log( this.v_data = v_data) ;
  console.log(v_data) ;
   console.log(v_data.empno) ;
  //if (v_data.deptno == 20) {

        console.log('navigate') ;



Do console.log what it says?

var self = this;

you just open the console and write var self = this; console.log(self), right?
bcs you post an image of WINDOW, not f7 app

...your code
pageInit: function () {
  var self = this;
  console.log(JSON.stringify(self, null, 2))
...more code

and paste the text

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ya bro
i add
var self = this;
console.log(JSON.stringify(self, null, 2))
in template
note photo



do something like that, then paste the image, preferably text


When I make debugger as a comment … the application works as shown in the picture
But when the debugger executes, the application does not work and the console appears empty

Ok, just open de source frameworj7.js file and there you should see the version of it.

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Ok, so never mind, i made this small jsfiddle
with f7 v3.5.1
and it works fine, i think.

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thanks bro
I was wrong
i think my f7 version 3.1.0
but in fact it’s 3.0.0
please give me a way to view user data fetching from the server and put it in a template within the application for this version
and thanks

sry dont know, i always used f7 with vuejs to manipulate the dom. try using Template7. I never use it, so i cannot help you there.
Can you just update to the lastes f7, or use f7-vue?

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I will update to the last version … I have not used f7-vue before …

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