Url not changing as expected


I am using async routes to manage if the user is loggedIn or not to display the page.

The problem is that when I type in directly the URL, if I am rerouted to the login page, the URL still displays the “wrong” url. Example, if I type the ‘HOMEPAGE’ url, and I am not logged in, it will reroute to ‘LOGIN’ page, but the url is still the ‘HOMEPAGE’ url.

this is a sample of the code


    path: USER_HOMEPAGE,

    options: {

      transition: "f7-parallax"


    async async(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {

      const userIsLoggedIn = await getUserAuth();


      if (userIsLoggedIn) {


          component: HomePage


      } else {


          component: LoginPage





I appreciate any help!

Use beforeEnter for this purpose https://framework7.io/docs/routes.html#route-before-enter-leave where after reject() you can call router.navigate to required page

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Thanks for your reply!

I am doing the following but it is not going to any url

    path: 'profile',
    beforeEnter: async function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
const userIsLoggedIn = await getUserAuth();
      if userIsLoggedIn) {
         component: UserHomepage
      } else {
        // don't allow to visit this page for unauthenticated users
         component: LoginPage


Your syntax is wrong Doesn't work redirect in beforeEnter(Vue)Heeeelp :c

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I’m sorry, I have tried the syntax but it’s not working, and I was not able to understand the rest. I tried using router.navigate, but router is not defined. I am in the routes definition.


    path: USER_HOMEPAGE,

    options: {

      transition: "f7-parallax"


    beforeEnter: async function(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject){

      const userIsLoggedIn = await getUserAuth();

      if (userIsLoggedIn){

        console.log('user is logged');



      } else {

        console.log('user is not logged');





    async(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject){






This code works now ,but it is returning an error in console (that does not seem to affect functionality), am I missing something?

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘f7Page’ of undefined