useStore not reactive when using browserHistory

Hello! I’m having a weird issue with Framework7 Reac, it’s useStore function and browserHistory active.

Pages in the “previous” history don’t seem to react to store changes. I created a small demo to reproduce the problem.

I have 2 pages: home and details. Both pages uses the same store. Details pages updates the store (with an async call). If I reload details page, the change is NOT reactive in the home page.

Home Page

export default function HomePage() {
  const user = useStore("user");

  return (
    <Page name="home">

      <Block strong>

      <Button href="/details">Go to Details</Button>

Details Page

export default function DetailsPage() {
  const user = useStore("user");

  return (
    <Page name="details" onPageBeforeIn={() => store.dispatch("search")}>
      <Navbar backLink>

      <Block strong>



const store = createStore({
  state: {
    user: { name: "Loading user..." }

  getters: {
    user({ state }) {
      return state.user;

  actions: {
    async search({ state }) {
      const user = await searchInfo();
      state.user = user;

async function searchInfo() {
  const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
  await delay(1000);
  return { name: "Invader Zim" };

export default store;

How to reproduce

  1. Download and unzip - Google Drive
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. Open http://localhost:8082/#!/details
  5. Wait until the text “Loading user…” changes to “Invader Zim”
  6. Click the back icon in the navbar
  7. The text displays “Loading user…” instead of “Invader Zim”

Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for your help!

Fixed in dev, so will be fixed with next update

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Solved in version 6.0.20

It works great now, thanks a lot!