Using Switch Case in Template7

I would like to know if it is possible to use the “Switch” condition in template7. I did a search in the documentation but found no information for this condition …

Its possible ?


{{case 1}}

{{case 2}}


No, such is not not possible

Try to register your own helpers, I’ve borrowed them from handlebars.

Template7.registerHelper("switch", function (value, options) {
        this._switch_value_ = value;
        let html = options.fn(this); // Process the body of the switch block
        delete this._switch_value_;
        return html;

    Template7.registerHelper("case", function () {
        let args =;

        let options = args.pop();
        let caseValues = args;

        if (caseValues.indexOf(this._switch_value_) === -1) {
            return '';
        } else {
            return options.fn(this);

after use them in this way:

{{#switch url}}
        {{#case '/' '/home'}}
            first case
        {{#case '/about'}}
            second case
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Here another modified with the default case

Template7.registerHelper('switch', function (value, options) {
    this._switch_value_ = value;
    this._switch_break_ = false;
    let html = options.fn(this);
    delete this._switch_break_;
    delete this._switch_value_;
    return html;
Template7.registerHelper('case', function (value, options) {
    let args =;
    options = args.pop();
    let caseValues = args;

    if (this._switch_break_ || caseValues.indexOf(this._switch_value_) === -1) {
        return '';
    } else {
        this._switch_break_ = true;
        return options.fn(this);
Template7.registerHelper('default', function (options) {
    if (!this._switch_break_) {
        return options.fn(this);

Usage is simple:

{{#switch url}}
        {{#case '/' '/home'}} <!--url for both of '/' and '/home' -->
            first case
        {{#case '/about'}}
            second case
            DEFAULT CASE
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fixed error returning ‘’ instead of undefined;

Template7.registerHelper('default', function (options) {
    if (!this._switch_break_) {
        return options.fn(this);
    } else {
        return '';

Thanks Almazk!!! Its Great!!!

Thanx a lot it is work !! :slight_smile: