V4-v5 componentURL panel link issues

I’ve been trying to figure out for ages now - having issues migrating componentURL links for panels from v4 to v5.

Routing not working and href now appearing within browser url when I click the menu icon link that used to slide open a panel with a html page as content within. Now browsers tries to load http://localhost:8080/left-panel-adddog/

Code example that works fine in v4 for menu link that needs to open a panel with dynamic content:

<div class="navbar-inner sliding">
  <div class="left">
    <a href="/left-panel-adddog/" class="link icon-only panel-open">
      <i class="icon f7-icons ios-only gold">bars</i>
      <i class="icon material-icons md-only gold">bars</i>

In routes.js:

routes = [

// Creates Panel from passed HTML string
path: ‘/left-panel-adddog/’,
panel: {
componentUrl: ‘./pages/panel-adddog.html’,

Any ideas on where to fix?


Have now fixed this to work with v5, needed to remove ‘panel-open’ class from the href link