V5 - text-editor

Hi Vladimir, I’ve added the fantastic text-editor to my existing project. Before I’ve got summernote.
But the problem is that everytime I press on any style button, makes me a click as if It was a submit.

that’s my html code:

                                            <div class="text-editor text-editor-resizable" id="txt_fc_msg" data-buttons='[["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikeThrough"], ["orderedList", "unorderedList"]]'>
                                              <div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>

Can you help me to find what could be?

Is it wrapped with <form> tag?

Yep, is inside a form and in a ul

                                        <li >
                                            <div class="text-editor text-editor-resizable" id="txt_fc_msg" data-buttons='[["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikeThrough"], ["orderedList", "unorderedList"]]'>
                                              <div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable>{{this.$route.context.txt_fc_msg}}</div>

Ok, should be fixed in 5.0.3

Thanks! I’ll wait for it