[v6] {6.0.20} (core) store reactivity

hello vladimir

if you go to => Framework7
then => “Component Page”
down => “Store reactivity”
click => “load users”

it doesn’t work!

it worked on 6.0.19.

here is the code:

  <div class="page">
    <div class="page-content">
      <div class="list simple-list">
          ${users.value.map((user) => $h`
export default (props, { $store }) => {
  let users = $store.getters.users;
  return $render;

if you change it to:

  <div class="page">
    <div class="page-content">
      <div class="list simple-list">
          ${$store.getters.users.value.map((user) => $h`
export default (props) => {
  return $render;

it works agian

is this has something to do with it ?

change log says:

  • react store: fixed issue with race-conditions in store updates (40f4818)

but i can see commits on src/core/modules/store/create-store.js

Yep, it got broken in 6.0.20, will be fixed in 6.0.21

thank you, vladimir

that was fast

update to 6.0.21 and all good
thank you

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https://framework7.io/packages/core/framework7-bundle.min.js still in 6.0.20
and you left this line in framework7/page-loader-component.html at master · framework7io/framework7 · GitHub

line => 176

window.users = users;

but everything is ok with 6.0.21

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