V6 template7 not rendering

in my app.js I add manually the template7
i am using webpack and v6 in v5 it was working perfectly!

import i18next from 'i18next';

import Template7 from 'template7';

Template7.registerHelper("t", function (i18next_key) {
  var result = i18next.t(i18next_key);
  return result;

    lng: 'en',
    debug: true,
    resources: {
      en: {
        translation: {}
      en: {
        translation: {
          loginnow: "login now",
      es: {
        translation: {
          loginnow: "inicia session ahora",
  function (err, t) {
    if (err) return console.log(err);
    console.log('i18n initialized!');

in my html

{{t 'loginnow'}}

the output showing {{t ‘loginnow’}} not rendering it as “login now”, what am i missing?
no errors in console whatsoever! my page is a component page too as before with v5.

any ideas!

There is no support in v6 components for anything related to Template7 https://framework7.io/docs/migration-from-v5.html#template7

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What is the point of this? Just import your i18next and use ${i18next.t('loginnow')} in component templates directly

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I know it was removed but it says also If your app still needs it, just install it manually…

I need translations for texts and i use i18next for it…

I will try to use it as you sugguest

if it works I do not need the template7 for sure let you know if worked!

I can confirm ${i18next.t(‘loginnow’)} it is working this way!

I am trying to migrate my registerHelpers from v5 to v6 and get to know the new changes so this helps a lot to understand what needs to be changed!

I think the rest of registerHelpers of v5 will have to be declared as actions inside store.js and see how state now works to update content!

for instance i have these helpers that i use too much in v5

Template7.registerHelper("ifCond", function (v1, operator, v2, options) {
  switch (operator) {
    case '==':
      return (v1 == v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
    case '===':
      return (v1 === v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
    case '!==':
      return (v1 !== v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
    case '<':
      return (v1 < v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
    case '<=':
      return (v1 <= v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
    case '>':
      return (v1 > v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
    case '>=':
      return (v1 >= v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
    case '&&':
      return (v1 && v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
    case '||':
      return (v1 || v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
      return options.inverse(this);

Template7.registerHelper('slice', function (context, block) {
  var ret = "",
    offset = parseInt(block.hash.offset) || 0,
    limit = parseInt(block.hash.limit) || 5,
    i = (offset < context.length) ? offset : 0,
    j = ((limit + offset) < context.length) ? (limit + offset) : context.length;

  for (i, j; i < j; i++) {
    ret += block.fn(context[i]);

  return ret;

Template7.registerHelper('rating', function (rating) {

  var rating = parseInt(rating);

  switch (rating) {
    case 0:
      return 0;
    case 1:
      return 20;
    case 2:
      return 40;
    case 3:
      return 60;
    case 4:
      return 80;
    case 5:
      return 100;
      return 0;


it wil be good to know in v6 this kind of changes that needs to be done in order to work in v6 in a working sample to migrate all helpers at once and avoid using template7 at all in the future!


For those who find this useful when migrating to v6 and you were using template7 for your helpers I wrote this sample below that works perfectly in v6.

Due to the lack of samples showing how to do the migration to v6 for some things like template7 and helpers i decided to convert this helper to v6 for its use to show others the convertion.

before in v5 with template 7 inside app.js

Template7.registerHelper('slice', function (context, block) {
  var ret = "",
    offset = parseInt(block.hash.offset) || 0,
    limit = parseInt(block.hash.limit) || 5,
    i = (offset < context.length) ? offset : 0,
    j = ((limit + offset) < context.length) ? (limit + offset) : context.length;

  for (i, j; i < j; i++) {
    ret += block.fn(context[i]);

  return ret;

now in the html you can simply write:

      <!-- limit array -->
      ${like.slice(0, 3).map((like) => $h`

I hope this help others to migrate their helpers!