[V8] I think there's something wrong with the router

Hello, I’m developing a prototype of an app that uses the following routes:

  • / (home)
  • /directory (listing)
  • /directory/:mangaId (info)
  • /directory/:mangaId/chapters/:chapterId (chapter)

when i’m in chapters route and click in back, it sometimes return to the home page, watch the video:

Watch the video

I’m using React btw.

route example (all routes is like this):

    path: '/directory/:mangaId/chapters/:chapterId',
    async: async function ({ router, to, resolve }) {
      // App instance
      const app = router.app;

      // Show Preloader

      // Manga ID
      const chapterId = to.params.chapterId;

      const chapters = await api.get(`/chapters/${chapterId}`);

      // Hide Preloader

      // Resolve route to load page
          component: ChapterPage,
          props: {