Version controlling

i want to have version control in my app, so if app version was smaller than server version, i have to redirect to download new app and prevent to open app, so how can i redirect to web url and how to prevent to open app.
i use framework7 vue version 3.


Maybe you can use cordova-splash-plugin. and prevent to auto hide.

<preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="false" />


then using on eg deviceready event, call the server and ask for the versioin. compare that version with your app version.

document.addEventListener("deviceready", checkVersion, false);

function checkVersion () {
  app.request.get('somepage.html', function (data) {
     compareF7DataVersion vs serverDataVersion
    if (appVer > serverVer) {
      // send user to playstore / appstore
    } else navigator.splashscreen.hide();
var app = new Framework7({
  data: function () {
    return {
      username: 'user',
      firstName: 'Name',
      lastName: 'Last Name',
      version: 1.0.0