Virtual list laggy

Hi , I’m using the virtual lost media +lazy load + infinite load. After loaded the list about 300+ it’s start to lag when click view and swipe back.

Anybody have the way to make it faster or reduce laggy ?

i’d went through this :crossed_fingers:

HOW I RESOLVED :arrow_down:
virtual DOM :ok_hand:

Thank you I will try it :slight_smile:

Hi , I don’t know how to convert my post data to get the result then return to component page can you help me to change my code ?

normally I use this go get the result

  var = 'list';, postData, function(data) {
     ... //do something with return data

… to something like this

  return {
    data: function () {
      return {
        // empty initial user data
        user: null,
    on: {
      pageInit: function () {
        var self = this;
        var app = self.$app;
        // request user data on page init
        app.request.get('', (user) => {
          // update component state with new state
            user: user,

:checkered_flag: this may help :arrow_down:

  1. on Pageinit

var user = [];
url: apiUrl,
method: methodType,
timeout: 3000,
async: false,
dataType: ‘json’,
success: function (data) { => {
// create your desired key here and assign values from iterate object (i.e. newData)
// for instance:
Quarter: newData.Quarter,
FromDate: newData.FromDate,
ToDate: newData.ToDate,
UserName: newData.userName,
ReportId: newData.QuarterlyReportId,
items: user,
error: function (xhr) {
user: null,

  1. data object
data: function () {
 return {
 // empty initial user data

user: null,

  1. Use expression as you required inside html :page_facing_up:

      inside page content class
  2. more here about expressions (apply logic :mage: )

Thank you so much I will try it