Virtual List - Tilt Bug


I am developing an administration area and blog articles will be listed by the Virtual List. However, in the test I make 30 lines, when he reaches the end he jumps lines and then gives tilts. Has anyone ever had a similar problem?

Estou desenvolvendo uma área de administração e as matérias do blog serão listadas pela Virtual List. Porém, nos teste que faço de 30 linhas, quando chega no final ele dá um pulo de linhas e depois fica dando tilts. Alguém já passou por algum problema parecido?

var virtualList = app.virtualList.create({
// List Element
el: '.virtual-list',
// Pass array with items
items: items,
// createUl: false,
// Custom search function for searchbar
searchAll: function (query, items) {
  var found = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    if (items[i].title.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) >= 0 || query.trim() === '') found.push(i);
  return found;
  // '<ul>' +
      '<li>' +
          '<a href="/editar-post/" class="item-link item-content">' +
              '<div class="item-inner">' +
                  '<div class="row" >' +
                        '<div class="col-100 tablet-100 desktop-30 alinhar-centro">' +
                            '<img src="" class="imagem-lista"/>' +
                        '</div>' +
                        '<div class="col-100 tablet-100 desktop-70">' +
                            '<div class="row">' +
                                '<div class="col-100 tablet-100 desktop-100">' +
                                    '<div class="item-title"><h2>{{title}}</h2></div>' +
                                '</div>' +
                            '</div>' +
                            '<div class="item-subtitle">{{subtitle}}</div>' +
                            '<br><hr>' +
                            '<span class="publicado-em">Publicado em: 15/08/2018</span>&emsp;' +
                            '<span class="publicado-em">Categoria: Top Dicas</span>&emsp;' +
                        '</div>' +
                  '</div>' +
              '</div>' +
          '</a>' +
  // '</ul>',
// Item height

height: app.theme === 'ios' ? 63 : 73,


Any help will be very welcome.

Do you have a live example of this?

I made a video, access this link please to see it:

I think I discovered the problem. Its height is set to the height of a line, like the F7 examples. But as the lines I use are larger, it gives this problem, so I need to calculate the line size according to the screen resolution so that it does not give this problem. That’s another question …