Vue Custom Directives not working


I am trying to create a custom directive within my framework7 vue app. I am using the latest version.
With the framework7 cli i created a new app and try to add a local registered directive to the home.vue page. I get no error but the directive is not working. If I add this directive to a non framework7 project it does work. What am I doing wrong?


  <f7-page name="home">

    <!-- Top Navbar -->

    <f7-navbar large :sliding="false">


        <f7-link icon-ios="f7:menu" icon-aurora="f7:menu" icon-md="material:menu" panel-open="left"></f7-link>


      <f7-nav-title sliding>test</f7-nav-title>


        <f7-link icon-ios="f7:menu" icon-aurora="f7:menu" icon-md="material:menu" panel-open="right"></f7-link>




    <!-- Page content-->

    <f7-block strong>

      <p v-test>This is an example of tabs-layout application. The main point of such tabbed layout is that each tab contains independent view with its own routing and navigation.</p>

      <p>Each tab/view may have different layout, different navbar type (dynamic, fixed or static) or without navbar like this tab.</p>




      <f7-list-item link="/about/" title="About"></f7-list-item>

      <f7-list-item link="/form/" title="Form"></f7-list-item>



    <f7-block strong>


        <f7-col width="50">

          <f7-button fill raised popup-open="#my-popup">Popup</f7-button>


        <f7-col width="50">

          <f7-button fill raised login-screen-open="#my-login-screen">Login Screen</f7-button>





    <f7-block strong>


        <f7-col width="50">

          <f7-button fill raised panel-open="left">Left Panel</f7-button>


        <f7-col width="50">

          <f7-button fill raised panel-open="right">Right Panel</f7-button>






        title="Dynamic (Component) Route"




        title="Default Route (404)"




        title="Request Data & Load"







  export default {

    setup() {


    data: function(){

      return {



    directives: {

      test: {

        // directive definition

        inserted: function (el) {







OK never mind! This ^%!$^@#%$!#%^ vuejs 3 changed the hook names… I changed inserted to created and now it is working…