Webinar/Stream format, what do you think?

Hey guys! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

I am thinking about doing educational Framework7 coding streams/webinars. What do you think, will it be interesting for you?

On each of these streams/webinars we will create new F7 app from scratch and look at the full app dev cycle, from setting up F7, coding and distributing to stores.

First stream (test stream) i plan to do in Russian for Russian devs, as it will be my first stream ever :slight_smile: and it will be easier for me. And if you like it then i will do next streams in English for everyone.

I think that each stream will take about 2-3 hours. The first one (in Russian) will be in two weeks and we need to figure out what time works best for most people. If you speak Russian and want to participate please pick the time bellow :point_down::point_down::point_down:

  • Nov 29 (Friday) Evening, Moscow Time
  • Nov 30 (Saturday) After noon, Moscow Time
  • Nov 30 (Saturday) Evening, Moscow Time
  • Nov 31 (Sunday) After noon, Moscow Time
  • Nov 31 (Sunday) Evening, Moscow Time
  • Any time on Nov 29 - Nov 31 works for me

0 voters

First App

On first stream i plan to create some generic local business app.

Approximate app structure:

  • Home section with summary
  • Blog section with latest posts and detailed posts (loaded from real remote DB)
  • News section with latest posts and detailed news pages (loaded from real remote DB)
  • Contacts section with map and contact details
  • About section with info about company

Some of the topics we will cover:

  • Setup F7 CLI
  • Create project
  • Setup project structure
  • Coding
  • Some basic customisation
  • Loading remote data
  • Bundling/packaging cordova app
  • Uploading/distributing to app stores (AppStore and GooglePlay)

During stream we will, of course, chat, make pauses to answer questions, etc. :slight_smile:

So, community, what do you think?

  1. 2-3 часа много за раз, лучше разбить на ~1 час
  2. Разделить вебинары по уровню “для новичков” / “для не новичков”
  3. Время не так важно, будет же запись.
  4. Какой-то обратный фидбек, не знаю как это устроено на стримах. Чтобы участники могли поделиться в комментариях своим опытом, а не просто задавать вопросы.

И нет информации про стоимость участия.

Не каждый сможет выделить 2-3 дня по часу, проще разом мне кажется. Плюс стрим будет тестовым, будет понятно как лучше после.

Записи не будет, обычный открытый стрим.

Стоимость - бесплатно

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The Webinar/Stream is completely FREE!


How we can participate any link

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Great, I’m waiting :popcorn:

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Very helpful for us :slightly_smiling_face:

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Absolutely looking forward to this! We’ll be waiting for the english streams.

Possible suggestion: as second stream, you could redo the first one but in english…
Another possible suggestion: if, to stream, you could use some platform which then retains the videos, that would be awesome (like youtube live).

Thanks in advance man, you’re a saint


Это однозначно шикарная идея. Буду ждать с нетерпением.

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I’m looking forward to this. It’s always interesting to see how the authors of tool actually use it.

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I love this idea. I would absolutely participate in the english version.

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Awesome idea! It would be good to have the recorded webinar online - so users who can’t participate and view anytime.

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Awesome!! Thank you… Also waiting for english webinar :wink:


Great idea, looking forward to the english versions.


Это интересно. За более чем 1,5 года сделал много веб приложений и ни одной упаковки Cordova. С удовольствием поучаствую и посмотрю как работают профи. Спасибо!

It would be great if you use a streaming service that records. It would also be great to break this up into a set 2 hours once a week (a show) so we could plan to join you and learn/contribute. Having these videos on demand and diced up into topic segments would be super valuable. I think that Mighty is an open platform for subscription videos. Of course Twitch also lets you get ‘paid’ by viewers during the live stream. I’m not sure if YouTube Live does (doubt it).

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:+1: Awesome idea! Could you upload them to YouTube for people that miss the live stream?


How about creating telegram channel? ru/en

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