What do you use to monitor your app usage?

What do you use to monitor the usage of your apps made with Framework7?

Using capacitor for Android & iOS using google analytics is a problem since the app locally uses the file:/// protocol.
Do you use any particular services? Or are you not interested in keeping track of how many users use your app, and which particular pages are used more than others

Firebase Google Analytics for Firebase | Free and unlimited app analytics


iOS and Android sdk require nativa app? I thought so

Firebase has a Cordova plugin, so you can use it with an iOS or Android Cordova project.

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You can also use Matomo, formerly also known as Piwik.

This is like Google Analytics, but self-hosted or also rented in the cloud.

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If you’re looking for alternatives, services like Firebase Analytics, Mixpanel, or Amplitude can provide valuable data on user engagement and app usage. They often offer SDKs that work seamlessly with mobile apps and can handle local file access issues more effectively.Tracking user activity can help you identify which features or pages are popular, where users drop off, and how to improve your app’s overall performance.For those seeking more in-depth analytics options, you can explore a web analytics dashboard template on Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1012747034939227249/) to get started.

To monitor the usage of my apps made with Framework7, I use a combination of Google Analytics and Firebase Crashlytics. Google Analytics provides me with data on how users are interacting with my app, such as which pages they are visiting, how long they are spending on each page, and what actions they are taking. Firebase Crashlytics helps me to track crashes and other errors that occur in my app, so that I can fix them and improve the overall user experience.

I find that using a combination of these two tools gives me a comprehensive view of how my apps are being used, and helps me to make data-driven decisions about how to improve them.

Here are some specific ways in which I use Google Analytics and Firebase Crashlytics to monitor the usage of my Framework7 apps:

  • I use Google Analytics to track the following app usage metrics:
  • Number of active users
  • Average session duration
  • Page views
  • Event conversions
  • I use Firebase Crashlytics to track the following app usage metrics
  • Number of crashes
  • Crash types
  • Crash location

By tracking these metrics, I am able to identify areas where my app can be improved, and make data-driven decisions about how to improve the user experience.

For example, if I find that a particular page in my app is being viewed very infrequently, I may want to consider removing that page or redesigning it to be more engaging. Or, if I find that a particular feature of my app is causing a lot of crashes, I may want to fix that bug or redesign the feature to make it more stable.

I believe that it is important to track the usage of my apps, so that I can make sure that I am meeting the needs of my users and providing them with a valuable experience. By using Google Analytics and Firebase Crashlytics, I am able to gather data that helps me to improve my apps and make them more successful. :heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:

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