What is the correct way of routing in popups? Back button issue

here my router.js

path: '/activity/',
        component: ActivityPage,
        routes: [
                path: 'new/'
                popup: {
                    component: NewActivityPage,
                    on: {
                        opened: function (popup) {
                            this.app.views.create('.new-activity-view', {
                                name: 'new-activity-view',
                                url: 'activity/new/'
                routes: [
                        path: 'list/'
                        component: ActivityListPage

Navigating forward works fine
Popup opens with Activity, navigating to new, navigating to list. But when I go back from list - navigating to new works, navigating to activity = route not found.


When I add a slash to the url of the view (/activity/new/), the popup opens but clicking on the new link closes it instead
