What is with your broken updates and install scripts?

The last two updates have broken your create scripts. framework7 create is still broken in the update released today.

Creating an app this morning after the update has resulted in your script missing cross-env and @vue/compiler-sfc.

I use to love using your software because I never had these issues. I never had to go through and install missing modules and check your work. The last few releases have resulted in the same crap all the other frameworks create. I hope you can fix these issues and get things back on track as I want to continue working with your software.

Build Info:

Target Cordova platform: iOS, Android
? What type of framework do you prefer? Framework7 with Vue.js
? Choose starter template: Single View
? Do you want to setup CSS Pre-Processor No, i am good with CSS
? Do you want to specify custom theme color? No, use default color theme
? Do you want to include Framework7 Icons and Material Icons icon fonts? Yes, include icon fonts

What? Before complaining try to read README.MD in created project, it can save you a lot of time next time, especially this:

Install Dependencies

First of all we need to install dependencies, run in terminal:
npm install

Im not that dumb. Even after running npm install it does not load those two libraries as they are missing from the packages upon installation.

Not sure what/how you installed it, but cross-env is definitely there, and @vue/compiler-sfc is not even a dependency and shouldn’t even be in package.json as it is a dependency of @vitejs/plugin-vue

Errors on fresh install of framework7

npm i framework7
cd c:\directory\location
framework7 create
follow through the install as noted in first post
npm install
npm run start – fails

In concur. I too got the errors that djcottrell got.
After maybe 2 days, I finally got V6 to work, by installing somewhere then copy/pasting into my project.

The other problem I have is with tabbed views with scripts.
I’ve tried everything. And there is no example in Kitchen Sink.
Works great in Version4. Broke in Version6 with no docs showing what to do.