Framework7 becomes more and more robust, feature rich and bulletproof. So I want to know your opinions and suggestions. What do you want else to see or to have in Framework7? New UI components? Additions to current components?
It can be also related to the whole F7 infrastructure and its projects. So your suggestions about CLI, websites are also welcome.
Please, just share your thoughts on what do you want or expect to see.
Магазин расширений (бесплатных и платных): есть раздел “готовые расширения” (можно добавлять свои), есть раздел “запросы на разработку” . За каждый запрос на разработку можно голосовать. Расширения должны поддерживать самую свежую версию F7 и хорошо написаны, т.е. без мусора.
По такому же принципе можно реализовать магазин мощных шаблонов, например, шаблон приложения интернет-магазина.
Книга рецептов: в ней самые сложные и практические советы по работа с F7 и F7 + Cordova. Такой информации много и на форуме и в GitHub, но она разбросана. Рецепты предлагать может кто угодно, но раздел сделать платным: как электронная книга.
Полностью переделать jobs - в текущем виде, на мой взгляд, он не нужен.
Предлагаю: сделать сертификацию по F7 Core. Для этого сделать онлайн-тесты, по прохождению которых выдается сертификат и информация размещается на сайте о разработчике, что подтверждает его квалификацию. Типа “наши сертифицированные партнеры”. Получение сертификата сделать платным.
В русском интернете F7 становится все более известен. Возможно, какую то часть сайта сделать на русском языке (не документацию).
1- Expandable Cards “API”, so that we can use the same experience triggered by a click or something else while using the app (i.e. click on a certain element and the element is “expanded”). I don’t know if this makes sense but I would like to have it and use it everywhere, on a swiper I know it’s not possible now due to overflow hidden elements, etc.
2- Include all XHR parameters when using Promises. As we spoke previously, it’s common to handle only data with promises (success callback for example), but it would be nice to have it Everytime to catch headers (auth token for example), otherwise it’s needed to wrap the request manually to use promises).
3- … Keep up the excellent work and become the top framework7 out there
4- Parallax on header component based on scroll (maybe achievable with some tweaks using large navbar
Parallax header will be a nice and very appreciated feature but not a huge change.
I noticed that several questions in the forum are about data binding. Therefore I suggest to add a dedicated topic to the F7-documentation about the best practise regarding handling “data” within F7. This might include handling local persistancy and perhaps support of LocalForage.
It would be a great feature if a standard approach becomes available, perhaps as part of CLI.
I would to see an html-editor / textarea with bold, italic, strike through / wysiwyg integration of a popular wysiwyg-editor (with mobile support). I’m really missing that on Framework7
iPadOS was introduced by Apple with more focus on workflows on large touch screens. I think together with your “Aurora” approach Framework7 could make a great basis for a general cross platform experience built on top of your framework. You are more or less a step ahead already Important would be that the UI could adopt to changing screen (on iPadOS also window) sizes.
My biggest need is to make the Vue bindings work more effortlessly in all components. I often need to jump through hoops to get things wired up. Here is an example:
Correct padding for the expandable card when they are closed Right now it has this problem no matter what I try The content overflows
Brand colors are on the left (this is somewhat bad example since the blues are different blues). The left panel could have lots of things beside icons (lists, toggles, fields, text, etc).
Then dark mode (changing the main area to white on black or similar).
But all this already possible. Dark mode can be applied to any element, not necessary to the whole app, so in this case it can be applied to main view only, keeping panel in required styles.
Also, almost everything could be styles with current set of CSS variables. And if you need to override something for both, light, and dark theme, then:
Fix stretching animation of expandable cards when the card’s height is not 300px
Big title need better animation like stock iOS
iOS 13 popup style (stacking cards)
Custom modal alert in the middle
Support scrolling in expandable sheet
It would be cool if you can do app icon moving when open a page like google play (Example: Searching apps on google play, tap on an app, the icon will fly to next page)
watchOS style popup, alert, notifications would be nice
I would love to see a LTS version with some kind of professional support based on a subscription model that could help the Framework 7 grow much more. Something like Ionic Pro was in the past.