What next big feature you wait or want in Framework7?

Page Loading Effect, like this…


+1 for wysiwyg editor

  1. More support for desktop and electron designs (in React) for admin type interfaces that scale to mobile (splitview menu etc)
  2. Brand theming. I alter the dark mode vars to get a brand color for the side panels (background not black).
  3. Dark mode that works with brand theming.
  4. See https://www.uibot.app/
  5. Better React support (particularly with navigation)
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  1. Brand theming for dark mode would be great.
  2. CKeditor 5 integration especially for desktop would help a lot for admin interfaces / cms.

Guys, didn’t get, what do you mean in these points?

Thanks @nolimits4web!

My biggest need is to make the Vue bindings work more effortlessly in all components. I often need to jump through hoops to get things wired up. Here is an example:

Please let me know if you need more information.

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Correct padding for the expandable card when they are closed :grin: Right now it has this problem no matter what I try https://i.imgur.com/zGgPqlm.png The content overflows

Brand colors are on the left (this is somewhat bad example since the blues are different blues). The left panel could have lots of things beside icons (lists, toggles, fields, text, etc).

Then dark mode (changing the main area to white on black or similar).

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But all this already possible. Dark mode can be applied to any element, not necessary to the whole app, so in this case it can be applied to main view only, keeping panel in required styles.

Also, almost everything could be styles with current set of CSS variables. And if you need to override something for both, light, and dark theme, then:

:root, .theme-dark {
  --f7-page-bg-color: red;

Will make page red for all light and dark themes

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  1. Fix stretching animation of expandable cards when the card’s height is not 300px
  2. Big title need better animation like stock iOS
  3. iOS 13 popup style (stacking cards)
  4. Custom modal alert in the middle
  5. Support scrolling in expandable sheet
  6. It would be cool if you can do app icon moving when open a page like google play (Example: Searching apps on google play, tap on an app, the icon will fly to next page)
  7. watchOS style popup, alert, notifications would be nice
  8. Support for opening more popups in a popup

I would love to see a LTS version with some kind of professional support based on a subscription model that could help the Framework 7 grow much more. Something like Ionic Pro was in the past.


Yeah, I think the question is how that interacts with the new media query.



It already has support for this media query. App has autoDarkTheme parameter https://framework7.io/docs/app.html#app-parameters. But the good addition could be adding this auto dark theme feature for separate sections (views)

Guys anything else? Don’t hesitate to share even some crazy ideas :slight_smile:

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Ah nice! I am always reading the react version of the docs and missed that. Maybe editable docs so I can make quick edits?

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Thinking from a web url route centric view, I have a (crazy?) suggestion about reorganizing views and panels and routes.

routes: [{
  path: '/overview/',  // default to main view
  component: ...
}, {
  path: '/dashboard/', // default to main view
  component: ...
}, {
  path: '/user/login/',
  view: 'fullscreen',
  component: ...
}, {
  path: '/user/reset-password/',
  view: 'fullscreen',
  component: ...
}, {
  path: '/mega/',
  view: 'lotsofpanels',
  component: ...

and put panels inside views:

  <View main>
    <Panel left> ... </Panel>
  <View id="fullscreen">
    <Panel left> ... </Panel>
  <View id="lotsofpanels">
    <Panel left> ... </Panel>
    <Panel right> ... </Panel>

And the views could be lazy loaded like a page (if the view hasn’t been loaded for that route.


A top menu component. On desktop, you can have a side menu (Panel left) but you may often have a menu across the top.


A calendar day view for selecting time blocks by drag-n-expand. This is typically for calendaring/event application.


Hi Vladimir,

First I’ll say thanks for the great work on this framework so far and I’m looking forward to see where F7 will be going in the future.

One cool feature I’ve seen from the design community that would be great in F7 would be a selection of spectacular transitions like those available in this new mobile prototyping tool: https://famous.co

There are some inspirational videos that display some of the transition effects that can be achieved with static image backgrounds:

They also have some 3D transitions and video transitions in later versions:

These would at some extra pazaz to the already amazing widget set.

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