Why does the souce codes written like this?

"[email protected]"

"react" === “vue” ?

framework7/packages/react/utils/plugin.js: 74

        // eslint-disable-next-line
        if ('react' === 'vue') {
          if (self.$vnode && self.$vnode.data && self.$vnode.data.props && self.$vnode.data.props.f7route) {
            route = self.$vnode.data.props.f7route;
          let parent = self;
          while (parent && !route) {
            if (parent._f7route) route = parent._f7route;
            parent = parent.$parent;

Funny :slight_smile: I guess that it’s a result of many rounds of precious refactoring.

It is fine, this code block will be removed by your bundler (webpack) + Terser