This text does not seem to want to wrap with everything I have tried.
<Button className='no-ripple display-flex flex-direction-column align-items-flex-start' style={{ width: "25vw", flexShrink: "0", height: "auto" }}>
<Card style={{
width: "100%",
height: "12vh",
backgroundColor: "white",
borderRadius: "2vw",
backgroundImage: 'url(' +[item.item_index].item_image + ')',
backgroundPosition: "left center",
backgroundSize: "cover",
backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat",
}} className='no-margin margin-top'>
<div style={{ width: "100%" }} className='display-flex justify-content-space-between'>
<div style={{ maxWidth: "80%", overflowX: "auto" }} className='display-flex flex-direction-column align-items-flex-start text-align-left padding-top-half'>
<p className='no-margin menu_item_font' style={{ wordBreak: "keep-all", textAlign: "justify" }} >{[item.item_index].item_name}</p>
<p className='no-margin menu_item_font'>${([item.item_index].item_price / 100).toFixed(2)}</p>
<div className='padding-top-half'>
<div className='display-flex justify-content-center align-items-center' style={{ width: "45px", height: "45px", borderRadius: "100%", backgroundColor: "black", color: "white" }}>
<Icon f7='minus'></Icon>
<div className='display-flex justify-content-center align-items-center' style={{ width: "45px", height: "45px", borderRadius: "100%", backgroundColor: "black", color: "white" }}>
<Icon f7='plus'></Icon>
This is the line that does not seem to want to go to the next line.
<p className='no-margin menu_item_font' style={{ wordBreak: "keep-all", textAlign: "justify" }} >{[item.item_index].item_name}</p>