Ajax call returns undefined in html

Hi guys, another question please. So i am making my AJAX call and all. It seems successful and all cos the array prints to the console. But when i check the elements that the information should be appended to, they return undefined. Here is my code

<div class="page" data-page="page-contact">
<div class="page-content">
	<div style="text-align: right;padding:20px;">
        <a href="#" onclick="onClickContactEdit({{contact['id']}})">Edit</a>  &nbsp;
        <a href="#" onclick="onDeleteContact({{contact['id']}})">Delete</a>                  
	<div id='mnu_contact'>
		<div id="ul_sub_menu">
$('#mnu_contact').on('click', function () {
curSelPage = "contacts";
$.get( SERVER_URL+'/contacts.json', function(r_data) {
    var contacts = r_data;
    for (i in contacts) {
       $('#ul_sub_menu').append('<li><a href="#" class="item-link" onclick="selContact('+contacts[i]['id']+')"><div class="item-content">'+contacts[i]['name']+'</div></a></li>');


@nolimits4web @Frooplet @rapgithub help please

I think it is not



I[‘id’] and i[‘name’]

Maybe add a console.info inside the for loop

i assume you mean something like this


Well i inputed that and the console hit me with cannot read property ‘name’ of undefined. How about i bring the json format forward

Provide more details, full page code and that page route, and all the related scripts

Here is the full app.js code with the routes. The code i inherited is a version 1.6
var SERVER_URL = “http://localhost:65534”;

var myApp = new Framework7({
template7Pages: true,
precompileTemplates: true, //
domCache: true,
template7Data: {
context: {“title”:“Pizza”,“description”:“description data-context-name”},
preprocess: function (content, url, next) {

// Export selectors engine
var $$ = Dom7;

// Add main view
var mainView = myApp.addView(’.view-main’);

var curSelPage = “”;
var curContactID;
var curConvArray;

// Just just do reload on app load
// mainView.router.load({reload: true, url: ‘index.html’});

$(’.login-screen #btn_signin’).on(‘click’, function () {
var f_data = {
email: $(’#txt_email’).val(),
password: $(’#txt_password’).val()

      url: SERVER_URL+'/sessions',
      data: f_data,
      cache: false,
      dataType: 'json',
      type: 'POST',
      crossDomain : true,
      xhrFields: {
          withCredentials: false
      success: function(r_data){
        if(r_data['success']==true) {
          curContactID = r_data['user']['id'];
        else {
          alert("Login info incorrect!")
      error: function(error){
        alert("Error. Login failed.");


$(’#mnu_call’).on(‘click’, function () {
curSelPage = “cur_call”;
// Get current call
$.get( SERVER_URL+’/current_call.json’, function(r_data) {
var call;
call = null;
else if (r_data[‘statuses’].last[‘status’] == ‘in-progress’)
call = r_data;
url: ‘pages/cur_call.html’,
context: {
callinfo: call

$('#nav_title').text('Current Call');


$(’#mnu_conv’).on(‘click’, function () {
curSelPage = “conversations”;
//show conversation list
$.get( SERVER_URL+’/conversations.json’, function(r_data) {
var convs = r_data;
curConvArray = convs;
for (i in convs) {

  • ’+convs[i][‘item_type’]+’
  • ’);


    $(’#mnu_contact’).on(‘click’, function () {
    curSelPage = “contacts”;
    $.get( SERVER_URL+’/contacts.json’, function(r_data) {
    var contacts = r_data;
    for (i in contacts) {

  • ‘+contacts[i][‘name_full’]+’

  • ');


    $(’#mnu_setting’).on(‘click’, function () {
    curSelPage = “settings”;
    url: ‘pages/settings.html’,
    context: {

    function selContact(contact_id) {
    $.get( SERVER_URL+’/contacts/’+contact_id+’.json’, function(r_data) {
    var contact = r_data;

            reload: true, 
            reloadPrevious: false,
            url: 'pages/contacts.html', 
            context: {"contact":contact},


    function selConversation(conv_id, sel_i) {
    //Get conversation info;
    var convinfo = curConvArray[sel_i];
    reload: true,
    reloadPrevious: false,
    url: ‘pages/conversations.html’,
    context: {“convinfo”:convinfo},


    function showMainMenu(main_flag) {
    if(main_flag) {
    else {

    function onClickAdd() {
    if(curSelPage==“contacts”) {
    url: ‘pages/’+curSelPage+’_edit.html’,
    context: {contact:[]}

    function onClickContactEdit(contact_id) {
    $.get( SERVER_URL+’/contacts/’+contact_id+’.json’, function(r_data) {
    var contact = r_data;

            reload: true, 
            reloadPrevious: false,
            url: 'pages/contacts_edit.html', 
            context: {"contact":contact},


    function onUpdateContact(contact_id) {
    var f_data = {
    name: $(’#txt_contact_name’).val(),
    company: $(’#txt_contact_company’).val(),
    customer: ‘t’

    var url = "/contacts";
    //update contact
    if(contact_id) {
        url = "/contacts/"+contact_id;
          url: SERVER_URL + url,
          data: f_data,
          cache: false,
          dataType: 'json',
          type: 'POST',
          crossDomain : true,
          success: function(r_data){
            if(r_data['success']==true) {
                    reload: true, 
                    reloadPrevious: false,
                    url: 'pages/contacts.html', 
                    context: {"contact":r_data['contact']},
            else {
              alert("Update info failed!")
          error: function(error){
            alert("Error. Update failed.");


    function onDeleteContact(contact_id) {
    if (confirm(‘Are you sure you want to delete this?’)) {
    url: SERVER_URL + ‘/contacts/’+contact_id,
    cache: false,
    dataType: ‘json’,
    type: ‘DELETE’,
    crossDomain : true,
    success: function(r_data){

                if(r_data['success']==true) {
                        reload: true, 
                        reloadPrevious: false,
                        url: 'pages/profile.html', 
                        context: {},
                else {
                  alert("Delete info failed!")
              error: function(error){
                alert("Error. Delete failed.");


    url: ‘pages/profile.html’,
    context: {



    // Login
    // var ls = myApp.loginScreen(’.login-screen’);
    // myApp.closeModal(’.login-screen’);

    Here is the html

        <div class="page" data-page="page-contact">
    <div class="page-content">
    	<div style="text-align: right;padding:20px;">
            <a href="#" onclick="onClickContactEdit({{contact['id']}})">Edit</a>  &nbsp;
            <a href="#" onclick="onDeleteContact({{contact['id']}})">Delete</a>                  
    	<div id='mnu_contact'>
    		<div id="ul_sub_menu">

    and for illustration, a sample of the json

    [{"id":6,"address_pretty":"100 Kian Villages, Wisozkton, NY 52960"}]},{"id":223,"name_full":"Abel Mueller","name_preferred":null,"name_pretty":"Abel Mueller","company":null,"notes":null,"phones":[],"emails":[],"addresses":[]},{"id":296,"name_full":"Adalberto Cremin","name_preferred":null,"name_pretty":"Adalberto Cremin","company":null,"notes":null,"phones":[],"emails": ... ]

    The closing tag of

    <div id="ul_sub_menu">

    seems to be missing. Try replacing it by

    <div id="ul_sub_menu"></div>

    one thing that i noticed is you must be careful when you’re working with id … f7 sometimes keeps the old template in the document … so if you work with id you migh be attaching data to hidden html code from previous page

    to avoid this you disable cache in pagination … or work with class try
    console.log( $('#ul_sub_menu').length);

    and see how many ul with this id you have in the document
    also as other have mentioned you haven’t closed your tag

    okay guys, thanks for the thoughts.

    What i have done is to follow the template laid down in a sample app i saw somewhere done version 1.2.0; a screenshot of the index.html is attached to the bottom of this post.

    I just have two questions:

    Firstly, how do i make multiple pages have access to template7 and the json being fed from the API: The app i am referencing has only one page so this isn’t much of a problem.

    Secondly, my app doesn’t log in when i input this code

    // Compile and render
    var compiledTemplate = Template7.compile(template);

    but when i remove it, it loads. What could be the problem?