Can't access app on dynamic page

I have a fully working framework7 app and I use template7 to create dynamic pages.

But on the dynamic template7 page, I can’t access the app variable, for example to get the virtual list from index.html trough app.virtualList.get(".virtual-list");

This command works perfectly in app.js but not on the dynamic template7 page. I can’t access the current route on the dynamic page and everything else from the app.

Here is the code for the dynamic page:

name: ‘template’,
path: ‘/request-and-load/template/:variable/’,
async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
var router = this;
var app =;
var variable = routeTo.params.variable;

    componentUrl: './pages/request-and-load.html',
    context: {
      einsatz: variable,


Hi tobi. I never used template7 so i can’t help you. If you want, make a jsfiddle and i can give it a look.