Dynamic parts in style block of router component

Is it somehow possible to add dynamic parts in a style block of a router component? Let’s say I got a page item from my API, containing:

  "title": "Page title",
  "content": "<p>My page content</p>",
  "title_color": "#ff0000"

I would like to do for example:

  h1 {
    color: {{item.title_color}}

Of course I can generate a regular style-block inside the template, but I would like to keep the styles in a seperate component part.

No, it is not possible as styles should be static here, what you can do is to just use inline styles for required elements:

  <h1 style="color:{{item.title_color}}">{{item.title}}</h1>
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@nolimits4web Wondering if you are planning something like this? Still would love functionality like this. As we build branded apps, this would be a great way to easily generate a style block with whitelabel-colors etc in the main app component. Or for example style a panel with current-item-owner brand colors/settings.