'framework7-template-vue-webpack',Please update to webpack 4

Please update to webpack 4.(framework7-template-vue-webpack)

I’m also waiting for updates) I’m not a pro in the settings of webpack.

@nolimits4web We are waiting for updates:blush:

Hi wenjm! According to commits @nolimits4web has reworked to Webpack 4.
You could try it here.

Yes, framework7-template-vue-webpack now uses webpack 4 and webpack-dev-server 3! :slight_smile:

As I’m using async/await in my JS code, I still had to add this line to package.json:
"@babel/polyfill": "^7.0.0"

and this one to babel.config.js in module.exports:
"useBuiltIns": 'usage'

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Hi wenjm! Another template of the author Caio has been updated to webpack 4. Here is the link to template. I will try it in the next week.