Hide tabbar on scroll over navbar

I have a navbar and a tabbar on top of the page on a android screen. If i insert .hide-toolbar-on-scroll to the .page-content div, it works but the tabbar hides on scrolling over the navbar, when it should hide under the navbar. Both the navbar and tabbar have a z-index of 500 so I’ve added the css to the class .toolbar-transitioning {z-index:499;}

It is not a hack, it is a normal to have few custom styles in your css

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Thanks, post updated! :slight_smile: It would be great if this could happen by default.

Needed to add the following css:
.toolbar-transitioning {z-index:499 !important;}
.toolbar-hidden {
transition: all 0.4s, z-index 0s !important;
z-index: 499 !important;