Make navbar transparent and allow page content to start from top of screen

On one page of my app I have a large heading banner with a background image ( a bit like the demo-card-header-pic example for cards ). I have set no-margin so it fills the screen width but now I want it to start from the very top of the screen and make the navbar transparent and borderless.

I want the page content to start underneath the navbar, so the effect is just a floating back button over the top of the image.

How would I do this?

I’ve come up with something but it’s terrible because firstly it breaks in md theme, but it also glitches occasionally on ios and I’ve taken out the navbar-inner class so this must be causing some problems. But the idea is to have a slight gradient under the back button to make it visible on any image, light or dark

<div class="navbar nav-transparent no-hairline">
    <div class="padding-left padding-bottom scrim-navbar">
      <a href="#" class="link back text-color-white">
        <i class="icon icon-back color-white"></i>
        <span class="ios-only">Back</span>
<div class="page-content no-padding">
  <!-- background image on a div -->

And CSS:

.navbar-transparent {
    background: transparent !important;
.scrim-navbar {
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0) 100%);

I don’t like making hacks to such a well thought out framework. Is there a nicer, neater cross-platform solution??

You shouldn’t it is mandatory.

It is better to assign/remove extra class to navbar based on currently active page, e.g. within pageBeforeIn callback

Please could you elaborate on how I would do this. I found that even setting css background : transparent !important on the navbar-inner has no affect ( I guess because of css transition occurring ).

Navbar inner has no background. It must be set on navbar

How come the following makes the navbar transparent :

<div class="navbar navbar-transparent no-hairline">
    <div class="padding-left padding-bottom scrim-navbar">
      <a href="#" class="link back text-color-white">
        <i class="icon icon-back color-white"></i>
        <span class="ios-only">Back</span>

… and the following does not? :

<div class="navbar navbar-transparent no-hairline">
    <div class="navbar-inner sliding scrim-navbar">
      <a href="#" class="link back text-color-white">
        <i class="icon icon-back color-white"></i>
        <span class="ios-only">Back</span>

It must have something to do with navbar-inner right? Could you advise?

I now see what you were saying about adding and removing the navbar-transparent class on the page events. The problem with this is that after the first page transition there and back; it starts to look glitchy because the navbar goes transparent on the previous page before transitioning out. Can you see what I mean?

pageBeforeIn: function () {
  $$('.navbar').addClass('navbar-transparent no-hairline');
pageAfterOut: function () {
  $$('.navbar').removeClass('navbar-transparent no-hairline');

pageBeforeout => pageBeforeOut

Yea I spotted that, was actually just a typo on the post not in my code. But this doesn’t change the problem.

Could it be that $$(’.navbar’) is targeting the nabber from the previous page?

The strange thing is, if I call console.log( $$('#page-id .navbar') ); it returns no element. Am I missing something obvious? Is the navbar removed from the Dom before rendering?

go to
open console:

  path: '/test/',
  url: './pages/about.html',
    var navContainer=page.$navbarEl.length?page.$navbarEl:page.$pageEl;
    var method=page.$navbarEl.length?'closest':'find';
      var color=app.theme==='md'?'#2196f3':'#f7f7f8';


Thanks. This doesn’t solve the problem of the previous page’s navbar being affected by the transparency. ( this problem is iOS only ).

just consider that in ios-theme
this :

<div class="navbar">
  <div class="navbar-inner">

is equivalent to this :

  <div class="navbar-inner">

and everything will be clear to you

Why is this? So what you’re saying is that $$(’.navbar’) is not targeting what I think it is?

The reason it so obvious for me on the iOS theme is because my previous page is a list and when scrolled down there’s content behind the navbar. This content then flickers in sight before the page transitions on the page where I want the transparent navbar.

this page :

<div class="page my-page-class">
  <div class="navbar you-not-gonna-see-this-class">
    <div class="navbar-inner my-navbar-class">
  <div class="page-content"></div>

will be parsed like this :

<div class="navbar">
  <div class="navbar-inner my-navbar-class">
<div class="page my-page-class">
  <div class="page-content"></div>

my example works ok on kitchen-sink

try this :


I’m essentially doing the same thing by doing this:

 // Script
pageBeforeIn: function (e, page) {
    page.$navbarEl.parent().addClass('navbar-transparent no-hairline');
  pageBeforeOut: function (e, page) {
    page.$navbarEl.parent().removeClass('navbar-transparent no-hairline');

// CSS
.navbar-transparent {
  background: transparent !important;

But the result is still that the previous navbar is changed before transitioning out. Nothing is working, maybe @nolimits4web can shed some light.

use (pageMounted || pageInit || pageBeforeIn || pageAfterIn) to addClass
and (pageBeforeOut || pageAfterOut || pageBeforeRemove) to removeClass

You likely need to set transition-duration: 400ms to navbar for iOS theme. So it is a same navbar for app pages, so it should change its background opacity for this duration to get more smooth behavior