Preloader div is empty, no circle animation

  • Framework7 version: [4.4.3]

  • Vue.js version: [2.5.17]

  • Platform and Target: [macOS 10.14.5 Chrome Browser, Safari etc.]

Describe the bug

Preloader circle doesn’t renders so no loading animation indicator.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Page-content with preloader.

  2. Trying to pull to refresh.

Expected behavior

Expected to preloader circle appearing.

Actual Behavior

When ptr arrow appears, but circle not.


Page-content with ptr

Actual Dom

Expected Dom (from one of examples in docs)

Additional context

Just migrated from v3 to v4.4.3

P.S. Cant post issue on Github because of 500 error

Yes, i see the issue when it is added/enabled after page init. Already fixed in repo

So will be fixed in next update

Vladimir, I still have this issue on version f7 4.4.6 and vue 2.6.10. What I should do?

It was fixed in 4.4.5. If you have still this issue would be great to see live example or JSFiddle with it