Preloader hides too soon'multi');
app.request.json('http://URL/wp-json/wp/v2/ixxx?orderby=title&order=asc&per_page=100&page=1&_embed', function (insumosdata) {

But when I enter the page the request is, it shows nothing, i got to go back and enter again.
The request is for a virtual-list, it got 100 items.

How can I keep for longer the preloader, although it is fictional.

have you tried with this?;
   setTimeout(function () {
 }, 3000);

Or you can listen to the event itemsAfterInsert and hide the preloader there.

Thanks for the responses i’m gonna try.

I can’t make it work. I put this on app init. insumoslist is the virtual list.

  var app = new Framework7({
  on: {
          vlItemsAfterInsert: function (insumoslist, fragment) {

I don’t if it’s right there, or the code have to be in other place.
Thinks in advance.

try, but doesn’t work,

Okay,. I could solve it.
I had several orders to the preloader, leave only one (the largest request) and it worked.
The others json request they do not have preloaders.

Question: When you want to use several (); you have to modify something?. Because otherwise it seems that they are replaced and take only one.
