[SOLVED] Load Data Using Ajax To Other Page [V2]

Hi @nolimits4web, @rajkaruna,

I have these below code to load data on a page, but not working. Any suggestion?

  return {
      on: {
          pageInit: function() {
            var app = this.$app;

            var Id = app.ls.getItem('id');

            type: "POST",
            url: "pages/process.php",
            data: {Id:Id},
            dataType: 'json',
            cache: false,
            success: function(data, status, xhr){ 
                obj = JSON.parse(data);
                $$(obj).each(function() {

              error: function(status, xhr) { // if error occured
                console.log("Error occured, please try again.");

What is exactly not working here?

Hi @Yudistira,

As er shared code, its should work… Any console error.

Note: Make sure that your sending data correctly

hi @nolimits4web,

the value not shown on the textbox, normally it’s shown.

I’m using that code for long time, only on fw7 I cannot achieve that

hi @rajkaruna,

code is working, I’m using it for many years. error show “Error occured, please try again.”

Hi @Yudistira,

Try your code with JSON stringify data like bewlow

data : JSON.stringify ({“Id”: “Id”})

Hi @rajkaruna,

still not working, the output on process.php on chrome dev is like below

{ textbox: "test5"}

I’m still confused :frowning:, I want to achieve when I click listview, new page will open and load the data on textbox. I’m open the page using below code on app.js

$$('#ListView').on('click','li', function(e){
    var id = $$(this).attr('value');

    app.ls.setItem('id', id);

            url: 'edit/',
            force: true,
            ignoreCache: true

Hi @nolimits4web , @rajkaruna,

I’m commenting code below and suddenly everything works as expected. Please suggest.

            type: "POST",
            url: "pages/process.php",
            data: {Id:Id},
            dataType: 'json',
            cache: false,
            success: function(data, status, xhr){ 
                obj = JSON.parse(data);
                //$$(obj).each(function() { -----COMMMENT
                //}); -----COMMENT

              error: function(status, xhr) { // if error occured
                console.log("Error occured, please try again.");

Please refer this.

We thought that you are using jQuery.

I’m using jquery, it’s true without $.each is working, but when I click other data on listview the output is error, have to use $.each. any idea what code I have to write?

working using code below on success

$.each(data, function (index, value) {

I’m try this code not working
type: “GET”,
url: global_url + “api/Notifications”,
data: {},
cache: true,
success: function (response) {

            var response = JSON.parse(response);
            $$(response.responseText).each(function () {

        error: function (status, xhr) { // if error occured
            console.log("Error occured, please try again.");

below code not working how solve
$$(response.responseText).each(function () {

Hi @Rajeswari_Nehru

try this code

type: “GET”,
url: global_url + “api/Notifications”,
data: {},  //what is the GET variable???
cache: false,
success: function (response) {

            $.each(function (index, value) {


        error: function (status, xhr) { // if error occured
            console.log("Error occured, please try again.");

I am try this code

        $.each(function (index, value) {



But not working for each function