Trying out F7 Vue

I’ve decided to have a play with F7 Vue and wanted to make a simple virtual list and detail view. I’m having trouble getting my head around the data scope for routes…
Building on the virtual list, why can I not get the items array out into the correct scope?


Vue.use(Framework7Vue, Framework7)
Vue.component('feed', {
  template: '#feed'
Vue.component('detail', {
  template: '#detail'
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  framework7: {
    root: '#app',
    name: 'Framework7',
    theme: 'auto',
    routes: [
        path: '/',
        component: 'feed',
        data: function () {
          var items = [];
          for (var i = 1; i <= 10000; i++) {
              title: 'Item ' + i,
              subtitle: 'Subtitle ' + i
          return {
            items: items,
            vlData: {},
        methods: {
          searchAll: function (query, items) {
            var found = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {
                if (items[i].title.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) >= 0 || query.trim() === '') found.push(i);
            return found;
          renderExternal(vl, vlData) {
            this.vlData = vlData;
        path: '/detail/foo/:foo/bar/:bar/',
        component: 'detail'


<div id="app">
  <f7-view id="main-view" main></f7-view>

<template id="feed">
    <f7-navbar back-link="Back" title="Virtual List"></f7-navbar>
    <f7-list class="searchbar-not-found">
      <f7-list-item title="Nothing found"></f7-list-item>
      :virtual-list-params="{ items: items, height: 63, searchAll: searchAll, renderExternal: renderExternal }"
          v-for="(item, index) in vlData.items"
          :style="`top: ${vlData.topPosition}px`"

<template id="detail">
    <f7-navbar title="About" back-link="Back"></f7-navbar>
    <f7-block strong>
      <!-- {{$}} -->
      <!-- {{$}} -->

I figured it out… I needed to have the data and methods in Vue.component().

Vue.component('feed', {
  template: '#feed',
  data: function () {
    const data = this.$;
    return {
      items: data.items,
      vlData: {},
  methods: {
1 Like

@nolimits4web Just wondering if there is a reason why the F7 Vue template doesn’t install the latest version of Framework7 when you run npm install? Is it not compatible with the latest version?

It is compatible, it is not latest because it is not necessary to update there and/or sometimes I don’t have enough time for this. Just update to latest manually

By specifying latest versions in package.json