Xhr problems with ionic wkwebview f7v2

I need to use Wkwebview as my app is Image heavy and I’m using Ionicwebview plugin but I have an issue to do with xhr I’m downloading the page via the cordova FiletranferFile plugins. Therefore ios 10 + wont allow ajax pageload/xhr to go through due to a cross origin exception???
works perfectly in uiwebview using cdvfile links, and i had it working in F7V1 using telerik wkwebview plugin, but neither obvs supported anymore and don’t work on ios 10+

I’ve found this below and I think it would solve the problem but is beyond my experience:


Any help/ideas would be gratefully received, I would pay someone to solve this as it is the last thing holding back launch. Vlad your a legend and F7/Swiper are incredible.